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BBC W N . 12 V . 39


The world view of sloths has been turned on it head

Only in BBC Wildlife

THE COVER Tony Heald’s cover photo took great patience on a November morning at Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe, before the heat got too stifling. He used his Canon 1Dx II with a Canon EF 200-400mm f4 IS + internal ext 1.4x @526mm f5.6 200th sec ISO 1600.

NICK BAKER Who would have guessed that the secret to eternal youth could be found beneath the sand? P.36

GILLIAN BURKE Our new columnist goes on a daydream journey back in time, and deep into the minutae of life itself P.17

MARK CARWARDINE The conservationist questions the wisdom of building new homes on Britain’s green belt P.29

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LUCY COOKE In the first of a new series, the bestselling author meets murderous meerkat matriarchs P.27

MIKE DILGER Seal pupping is one of our most spectacular wildlife events, says the popular British naturalist P.32

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