London, the result of a year’s residency, included new works, three of them inspired by the theme of the Madonna, but carrying the icon into new zones of representation. Mueck’s pregnant woman, a Madonna del Parto for our times, stood 12 feet high, stark naked; his smaller than life-size Mother and Child showed the naked baby crouched in foetal curl on the naked mother’s tummy, before the delivery of the placenta, so the umbilical cord still attached them to each other. Mueck’s figures often give the impression of startling themselves: they hang back from their own enfleshment in art, loiter uneasily or stand amazed, or lie stunned at their own paradoxical coming-into-being as image, as fabricated auto-icons. The sculptures packed all Mueck’s earlier powers of uncanny imitation, but with a deeper tenderness and awe for the difference between life and image: the stillness of these last descendants of the fine art wax sculpture tradition draw attention to the utter elusiveness of whatever it is, that thing called spirit, the spark of life.18
A new generation of figures at Madame Tussaud’s move and speak, sing and dance: in Kylie Minogue’s case, her voice seems to issue from her famous derrière. These automata are so much hugged and kissed by visitors, especially for souvenir snapshots, that they have to be regularly replaced: both the to-the-life exactness of the simulacra and the wear-and-tear they suffer feature prominently on the attraction’s posters – they proclaim the success of the deception.