7 8
9 10 11
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Ibid., p.19; The Jewish Expositor, and Friend of Israel (16 vols, London, 1816–31), vol.3 (1818), p.152. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, p.27. On George Rose, see C. A. Harris, ‘Rose, George Henry (1770–1855)’ rev. H. C .G. Matthew, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); Lewis to Mary Way, ‘Home of Copernicus, Thorn’, 14 November 1817, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/19 (Papers of Lewis Way). Lewis to Mary Way, 8 November 1817, ibid, 29/5/18. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, pp.36–7. Lewis to Elizabeth Way, ‘Gulben, half-way between Riga and St Petersburg’, 7 December 1817, Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/25. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, being chronicles of the Way family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), p.168. Ibid., pp.169-70. Ibid., p.70.
Chapter Five
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Lewis Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview with His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias’, private collection, p.4. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday: Being Chronicles of the Way Family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), pp.172–3. Thomas Clarkson’s Interview with the Emperor Alexander I of Russia, at Aix-la-Chapelle, as Told by Himself (Wisbech, 1930), p.20. Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, p.8 (Papers of Lewis Way). Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.175. Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview’, private collection, p.13. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.178 F. Ley, Alexandre Ier et sa Sainte-Alliance (1811–1825), avec des documents inédits (Paris, 1975), p.195.