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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ibid., p.19; The Jewish Expositor, and Friend of Israel (16 vols, London, 1816–31), vol.3 (1818), p.152. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, p.27. On George Rose, see C. A. Harris, ‘Rose, George Henry (1770–1855)’ rev. H. C .G. Matthew, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); Lewis to Mary Way, ‘Home of Copernicus, Thorn’, 14 November 1817, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/19 (Papers of Lewis Way). Lewis to Mary Way, 8 November 1817, ibid, 29/5/18. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, pp.36–7. Lewis to Elizabeth Way, ‘Gulben, half-way between Riga and St Petersburg’, 7 December 1817, Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/25. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, being chronicles of the Way family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), p.168. Ibid., pp.169-70. Ibid., p.70. Chapter Five 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lewis Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview with His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias’, private collection, p.4. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday: Being Chronicles of the Way Family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), pp.172–3. Thomas Clarkson’s Interview with the Emperor Alexander I of Russia, at Aix-la-Chapelle, as Told by Himself (Wisbech, 1930), p.20. Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, p.8 (Papers of Lewis Way). Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.175. Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview’, private collection, p.13. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.178 F. Ley, Alexandre Ier et sa Sainte-Alliance (1811–1825), avec des documents inédits (Paris, 1975), p.195. 124
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ibid., p.241; Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.148. P. W. Schroeder, The Transformation of European Politics,1763-1848 (Oxford, 1994), pp.587–8, 617–21. Cited in J.-H. Pirenne, La Sainte-Alliance: Organisation Européenne de la Paix Mondiale (2 vols, Neuchatel, 1946–9), vol.2, p.87. Cited in Ley, Alexandre Ier, p.198. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, pp.174–5. Thoughts on the Scriptural Expectations of the Christian Church, by Basilicus (reprinted from The Jewish Expositor, Gloucester, 1823), pp.106–7. The Jewish Expositor, and Friend of Israel (16 vols, London, 1816–31), 1818 volume, July 1818 issue, p.278. Ibid., p.277. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.182. Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, p.8; Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.184. Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, p.75; Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, pp.184–5. Ibid., pp.186–7. Ibid., p.190. Ibid., p.193. Ibid. Mémoires sur l’Etat des Israélites, Dédiés et présentés à Leurs Majestés Impériales et Royales,Réunies au Congrès d’Aix-laChapelle (Paris, 1819), pp.25–6. Ibid., p.69. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.195. Ibid., p.196; Mémoires sur l’Etat des Israélites, pp.21–2, 24. Ibid., p.79. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.197. Mémoire sur L’Etat des Israélites, p.29. Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, pp.77–8. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.198. 125


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13 14

Ibid., p.19; The Jewish Expositor, and Friend of Israel (16 vols, London, 1816–31), vol.3 (1818), p.152. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, p.27. On George Rose, see C. A. Harris, ‘Rose, George Henry (1770–1855)’ rev. H. C .G. Matthew, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); Lewis to Mary Way, ‘Home of Copernicus, Thorn’, 14 November 1817, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/19 (Papers of Lewis Way). Lewis to Mary Way, 8 November 1817, ibid, 29/5/18. A Letter to the Bishop of St David’s, pp.36–7. Lewis to Elizabeth Way, ‘Gulben, half-way between Riga and St Petersburg’, 7 December 1817, Hartley Library, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/5/25. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, being chronicles of the Way family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), p.168. Ibid., pp.169-70. Ibid., p.70.

Chapter Five





5 6 7 8

Lewis Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview with His Imperial Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias’, private collection, p.4. A. M. W. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday: Being Chronicles of the Way Family, 1307–1885 (London, 1930), pp.172–3. Thomas Clarkson’s Interview with the Emperor Alexander I of Russia, at Aix-la-Chapelle, as Told by Himself (Wisbech, 1930), p.20. Hartley Library, University of Southampton, Ms 85, Parkes Papers, 29/4/1, p.8 (Papers of Lewis Way). Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.175. Way, ‘Memorandum of Interview’, private collection, p.13. Stirling, The Ways of Yesterday, p.178 F. Ley, Alexandre Ier et sa Sainte-Alliance (1811–1825), avec des documents inédits (Paris, 1975), p.195.


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