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‘It is time to say what you mean.’ – Keith Gessen, n+1 Issue 1 (Negation)

‘The best goddamn literary magazine in America.’ – Mary Karr

‘n+1 is rigorous, curious and provocative. Intelligent thought is not dead in New York. It has simply moved to Brooklyn.’ – Malcolm Gladwell

‘[n+1] is decidedly youthful, not only in its characteristic generational concerns – the habit of nonchalantly blending pop culture, literary esoterica and academic theory, for instance, or the unnerving ability to appear at once mocking and sincere – but also in the sense of bravado and grievance that ripples through their pages.’ – New York Times

Praise for Say What You Mean: the n+1 anthology:

‘Say What You Mean . . . testifies to New York’s fast­moving intellectual climate. The anthology is bold, aggressive and, at times, full of itself. But for a journal that aims to “lead the generational struggle against laziness and cynicism”, it is fitting that it wears its heart on its sleeve.’ – Financial Times

Christian Lorentzen is an editor at the London Review of Books.

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