– Glossary of Portuguese Words –
Aguapé. A free-floating fast-growing aquatic plant with a pink or lavender six-petalled flower, also known as the water hyacinth.
Brega. A genre of popular melodramatic and sensual Brazilian dance music with simple, catchy melodies popular all over the Amazon region and particularly in Belém.
Campo. Countryside.
Correios. Name used for stamps in Brazil.
Cupuaçu. A tropical rain forest tree related to cacao. The white pulp of its fruit has an odour described as a mixture of chocolate and pineapple, while the juice tastes like pear with a slight flavour of banana.
Fazenda. Large farm.
Mata. Virgin forest.
Orixás. Yoruba deities that provide a link between the human and spirit worlds. In the candomblé religion of Bahia, Brazil, it is believed that every person has their own orixá that acts as a protector and controls the individual’s destiny.