PUBLISHER PERMANENT PUBLICATIONS The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire
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THE TEAM Founding Editors Maddy & Tim Harland Sales Director Tony Rollinson Financial Director Peter Ellington ssistant Editor Rozie Apps Subscriptions & Accounts Kate Saunders chnical Development Pete Cooper Consulting Editors Simon Constantine,
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Nicola Willmot,
SPECIAL THANKS Sarah Pugh, Poppy Okotcha,
Pete Cooper
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TT-COC-002452 ISSN: 0967-5663
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Permaculture magazine and Permanent Publications are trading names of Hyden House Ltd.
Registered in England No 2470704.
PM112 Summer 30 April 2022 PM113 Autumn 31 July 2022 PM114 Winter 31 October 2022 PM115 Spring 31 January 2023
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Spring 2022
11 See the World by Permacycling Joe Diomede has spent many years travelling the world via bicycle, with every moment connecting him to the natural world and the many people he’s met. But how does this link to permaculture and its three ethics?
15 Growing Food and Community with One Planet Living Peni Ediker and Stef Balesi found land, built a house and a business in just five years. Here’s how they did it.
37 Embedding Permaculture Principles and Design into a Business Eve Carnall describes how permaculture is incorporated into the core of cosmetics business, The Green Woman.
53 The Straw Mulch Allotment Boris Pavelic experiments with deep straw mulch, despite dire warnings of slug invasions. Here he shares five years of successful results.
63 Agro Forestry Hubs – Local Models of Transitional Adaptation Morgan Phillips explores the creative and collaborative world of Agro Forestry Resource Centres in Nepal and explains the many benefits of adopting these innovative hubs in the West.
68 My Permaculture Journey Dave Kelly describes how he discovered permaculture through his daughter, and how it has transformed his life into an undreamt adventure.
© Poppy Okotcha
Check out Poppy’s website, it encourages sharing, access and empowerment.
“Our power is in our soils. They sustain our every need. They are the starting place when we return to the land with a seed in hand.”