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CONTENTS REGULARS 06 EYE OPENER Fascinating images from around the world. 36 INNOVATIONS The latest tech and gadgets news. 12 CONVERSATION See what’s landed in our inbox this month. 15 DISCOVERIES This month’s science news: why small pieces of space junk cause the most problems; cyanide may have played a key role in life on Earth; chimps treat each other’s wounds with insects; why we’re one step closer to fusion energy; cutting-edge projects to treat heart failure, and more. 30 REALITY CHECK The science behind the headlines: Why is the ISS being retired and what will happen to it? Is the air on the London Underground filled with dangerous particulates? Why can’t renewable sources keep energy prices down? 63 MICHAEL MOSLEY Living with a par tner? You may be more similar to them than you think... 64 ALEKS KROTOSKI Swear by chicken soup to cure a cold? Be careful, because seemingly innocuous old wives’ tales and folk cures can have a darker side. 79 Q& A Our experts answer this month’s tricky questions. Do dogs get tired wagging their tails? What is parosmia? Why does cold pizza taste so good? Why do we get bored? What is watermelon snow? How did dinosaurs sleep? How do you read binary numbers? How does wireless charging work? 42 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 88 CROSSWORD Give your brain a tough workout with our cryptic crossword. Save 50% on the shop price when you take out a subscription to BBC Science Focus today! 88 NEXT MONTH See what’s coming up in the next issue of BBC Science Focus. 90 POPCORN SCIENCE Sonic The Hedgehog 2 is out soon. But is it really possible for a spiky blue mammal to run at the speed of sound? 4 15 DISCOVERIES 30 REALITY CHECK We need to start worrying about tiny particles of space junk, rather than the big rocket fragments. The ISS is being retired. What will happen to the iconic space s tation, and why can’t we just leave it there? 79 Q&A
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FEATURES 44 A MOST VIOLENT YEAR Volcanologist Prof Bill McGuire takes a closer look at some of the iconic eruptions that took place in 2021. 52 YOUR PRODUCTIVE BR A I N How much truth is there behind the myths of how to be more productive, and do we all need to be setting our alarms for 4am? 66 AS THE CROW DIES Corvids – so that’s crows, rooks and ravens – are some of the smartest animals out there and even conduct death rituals. Bird expert Dr Kaeli Swift tells us more. 72 AN IMMUNE SYSTEM FOR THE PLANET Can we build a global defence system that could help protect us when the next pandemic arrives? 52 YOUR PRODUCTIVE BRAIN WANT MORE? Don’t forget that BBC Science Focus is available on all major digital plat forms. We have versions for Android, as well as an iOS app for the iPad and iPhone. Can’t wait until next month to get your f ix of science and tech? Our website is packed with news, ar t icles and Q&As to keep your brain satisfied. INSTANT GENIUS Our bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. Find i t wherever you lis ten to your podcasts. 40 IDEAS WE LIKE Worrying about the impending apocalypse? Grab snacks, a cricket bat and this jacket. 66 DR KAELI SWIFT “THERE WERE TWO INSTANCES OF A MATED PAIR COMING DOWN AND SIMULTANEOUSLY MATING WITH THIS DEAD CROW AND EACH OTHER” LUNCHTIME GENIUS A DAILY DOSE OF MENTAL REFRESHMENT DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX Sign up to discover the latest news, views and breakthroughs f rom the BBC Science Focus team newsletter 5




Fascinating images from around the world.


The latest tech and gadgets news.


See what’s landed in our inbox this month.


This month’s science news: why small pieces of space junk cause the most problems; cyanide may have played a key role in life on Earth; chimps treat each other’s wounds with insects; why we’re one step closer to fusion energy; cutting-edge projects to treat heart failure, and more.


The science behind the headlines: Why is the ISS being retired and what will happen to it? Is the air on the London Underground filled with dangerous particulates? Why can’t renewable sources keep energy prices down?


Living with a par tner? You may be more similar to them than you think...


Swear by chicken soup to cure a cold? Be careful, because seemingly innocuous old wives’ tales and folk cures can have a darker side.

79 Q& A

Our experts answer this month’s tricky questions. Do dogs get tired wagging their tails? What is parosmia? Why does cold pizza taste so good? Why do we get bored? What is watermelon snow? How did dinosaurs sleep? How do you read binary numbers? How does wireless charging work?



Give your brain a tough workout with our cryptic crossword.

Save 50% on the shop price when you take out a subscription to BBC Science Focus today!


See what’s coming up in the next issue of BBC Science Focus.


Sonic The Hedgehog 2 is out soon. But is it really possible for a spiky blue mammal to run at the speed of sound?






We need to start worrying about tiny particles of space junk, rather than the big rocket fragments.

The ISS is being retired. What will happen to the iconic space s tation, and why can’t we just leave it there?

79 Q&A

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